The Edge

Educators Around The Globe: ISTE Community Leaders Global Learning Conference

ISTE Season 2 Episode 15

Join Georgia and Jessica as they explore the upcoming Global Conference with Dr. Michael Harvey, Kamal Preet, and Mario and Alberto Herraez (eTwinz). Explore how to connect with local and global communities, some of the amazing sessions at the Global Conference in April, and how to build your community with global vision. 

[00:00:00] Georgia Terlaje: It's time for the edge, a podcast brought to you by it's the community leaders, whether you're a seasoned educator, a visionary administrator, or a Or a passionate education enthusiast. Fasten your seatbelts because this podcast is tailor made for you. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey as our ITSD community leaders take you behind the scenes and into the dynamic world of education.

[00:00:23] Georgia Terlaje: And the episodes ahead will unveil stories from the front lines, showcasing the relentless dedication and innovation that fuels the transformative field of education. Buckle up, brace yourself for an adventure. Coming up today, we've got several fabulous guests on the show who will discuss ed tech and global education.

[00:00:43] Georgia Terlaje: I'm one of your community leader hosts, Georgia Chalahi. I'm a TK five instructional coach and an educator of 35 years. And I'm here with my always favorite partner in crime, no matter the time of day or night, Jessica. 

[00:00:58] Jessica Pack: Thanks so much, Georgia. It's always fun to hang out with you here on the edge. I'm Jessica Pack, a middle school teacher and an ISTE author.

[00:01:07] Jessica Pack: I'm really excited for today's episode because we are going to deep dive with some very special guests about ed tech in global education. We're joined first with our fellow ISTE community leader, Dr. Michael Harvey. Welcome to the edge. 

[00:01:24] Michael Harvey: Yes. Thank you for allowing me to join. Yes. So I'm, I'm Dr.

[00:01:27] Michael Harvey: Michael Harvey. I'm an, the e learning director at Marlborough Boys College In Blenheim all the way down under in New Zealand, and we have some really interesting speakers today So I'd just like to start introducing them. So the first one is from India and it's Kamal Preet So could you introduce yourself Kamal?

[00:01:48] Kamal Preet: Absolutely. Thank you so much, Michael. So I'm Kamal Preet I am a passionate STEM professional with a penchant for technology and problem solving I'm an educator, innovation lead and With Microsoft, where I get to be the voice of teachers within the company. And when I'm not doing that, you'll see me mentoring my all girls STEM club, the STG warriors.

[00:02:11] Kamal Preet: I'm super passionate about everything STEM, STGs, gamification and self. And my journey has led me to explore innovative teaching strategies where we use technology as a tool to empower learners. Equitable learning opportunities and fostering global connections. As a educator, I believe in the power of student voice and teacher collaboration, because as they say in FLIP, we're all in this, we're all better together.

[00:02:39] Michael Harvey: tHank you, Kamal. Kamal. And our second group of speakers is that we need no introduction all the way from Spain, the E Twins themselves. Mario and Alberto. 

[00:02:53] Alberto Herrraez: Hi, hello everyone. How are you? It's going to be a little hard with our voices, but I'm going to introduce myself. I'm Mario. Probably you will get lost during the interview.

[00:03:01] Alberto Herrraez: Who is who, but and this Alberto. Hi everyone. I'm Alberto. Happy to be here. So we are consultants right now, full time. We, in our own company, E Twins Education, but we were fifth grade teacher, Alberto, and I was sixth grade teacher for nine years in Utah. And now we decided to move back to Spain, like a year and a half ago.

[00:03:22] Alberto Herrraez: And now we are just like, You know, trying to help teachers and institutions as much as we can. 

[00:03:29] Georgia Terlaje: So I think before we get to the first question, I just have to ask this, have everyone stay, stay where they are. Cause we talked about this in our previous podcast, how it's tough in global collaboration with time zones.

[00:03:41] Georgia Terlaje: So, and I don't think Kamal, you said exactly where you were in India, India, and I'm curious about that. So we can start with Kamal. Kamal, what time is it where you are, where we're recording right now? 

[00:03:52] Kamal Preet: Yeah. Yes. So it's 743 here in Bangalore. That's south of India. 

[00:04:00] Georgia Terlaje: You're in Bangalore. 

[00:04:02] Kamal Preet: Yes.

[00:04:02] Kamal Preet: Bangalore 

[00:04:03] Georgia Terlaje: is 7 43 PM. Correct. 

[00:04:05] Kamal Preet: And 

[00:04:08] Georgia Terlaje: Michael, what time is it in New Zealand? 

[00:04:12] Michael Harvey: It is now a quarter past three in the morning. I'm going 

[00:04:16] Georgia Terlaje: towards Sunday. 

[00:04:18] Michael Harvey: Yes, I live in the future, so yes, 

[00:04:19] Georgia Terlaje: you live in the future. Okay, I just want to make sure everyone needs to know how this works because there's a whole dial and things we have to like, you know, figure all this out and Mario and Alberto, you're in Spain and what time is it there?

[00:04:31] Alberto Herrraez: Siesta time right now. We call it siesta time, which is 3 15 PM. 

[00:04:36] Georgia Terlaje: Ah, Well, Jessica and I are in California and it's a little bit of siesta time too. Cause it's 6 15 a. m. And on Saturday, so I just wanted to give listeners an idea of what we were talking about before of how, what a challenge it is to get everyone together when we're talking about global education.

[00:04:56] Georgia Terlaje: So thank you everybody for taking the time to figure it out. And Michael, thank you for getting up in the middle of the night or just staying up all night, whatever. However, you got to this point. All right. So for our first thing we want to talk about is just how all of you got together. Like, how have what's the origin story of how you guys met and started working together?

[00:05:19] Michael Harvey: I guess I can discuss that in this sense. Being an ST community leader, one of our initiatives for this year is the global impact conference. So it's basically collecting voices from around the world in a two day or actually one day symposium. Of speakers. aNd what we're going to do is highlight what they're doing around the use of educational technology in the classroom to, to highlight the achievements.

[00:05:44] Michael Harvey: So that's actually one of the reasons why we are here,

[00:05:47] Jessica Pack: What is the role of edtech in global education? Maybe we can start with Mario and Alberto.

[00:05:54] Mario Herraez: I think like tech allows us to, to achieve or carry out some projects or activities that we couldn't before. So it's the piece that brings us together. I truly think that global collaboration was was done before in the past, of course, but not to the level that we are doing it right now, thanks to technology and technology brings us together and make the world smaller, bringing us together and like empowering connections.

[00:06:30] Georgia Terlaje: Did anyone else have anything they wanted to add? As far as how ed tech impacts global education, 

[00:06:38] Michael Harvey: I just think it makes the world smaller and builds on those connections. My word for the year 2000 and 24 is fuck up. So that is, that's a Maori word from the indigenous language of my country.

[00:06:51] Michael Harvey: And it means it's actually a verb. And it means building family and building connections between global educators so we can get the best outcomes for our learners.

[00:07:03] Georgia Terlaje: Kamal, what's an interesting project you recently have worked on or completed with in the realm where you work? 

[00:07:13] Kamal Preet: Absolutely. So an impactful project that's not yet completed, but it's ongoing is our STG Warriors podcast. Now the student led initiative. It empowers middle schoolers in Bangalore. to tackle global challenges like climate change, plastic pollution, true collaboration and a deep hunger for knowledge.

[00:07:35] Kamal Preet: Michael it's all about science and Jessica, it's about middle schoolers. So. Our flagship project is a podcast that provides a direct line to global experts. Imagine students interviewing scientists, pioneering sustainable farming practices, or activists who are fighting for food security and explorers uncovering the secrets of our planet.

[00:07:59] Kamal Preet: Each episode, it sparks lively classroom discussions, bringing real world solutions to the forefront of our learning. Our stories transcend the role of passive listeners. They are catalysts for change the impact, it extends beyond the classroom, inspired by learning, by their learning, they become powerful advocates.

[00:08:22] Kamal Preet: So through social media and thought provoking presentations, students amplify the voices of marginalized communities. They advocate for policies that promote a sustainable future and, and, and Our ongoing project is a testament to how teenagers middle schoolers powered by knowledge, passion, and voice can be warriors of positive change.

[00:08:46] Kamal Preet: So if you haven't yet tuned in, do tune in to our SDG warrior podcast. 

[00:08:52] Georgia Terlaje: And I think we can probably link it in the it's the edge online place platform so that listeners can get to it. Cause that sounds like a wonderful thing to listen to and be inspired by.

[00:09:10] Georgia Terlaje: Michael, how about you? What's a project that you've been working on that's kind of sparked your interest? 

[00:09:17] Michael Harvey: Well, I've become self appointed director of e learning for my particular school. So our kind of sport moniker is the Falcons. So now we have Marlborough Boys College e Falcons, and we're connecting globally with other educators and other schools to compete with Minecraft and also with Rocket League.

[00:09:36] Michael Harvey: And because the kids love it fortnight, so it's developing those connections through a different medium and also historically our schools been very rugby union orientated maybe not much of the audience know what rugby union is, but still so it's actually engaging those learners that aren't necessarily deemed as sporty which are quite a big part of our school community, so it's engaging them in a different approach to, again, build those connections in the school school.

[00:10:02] Michael Harvey: and also between schools and countries. 

[00:10:07] Georgia Terlaje: That sounds awesome. Mario and Alberto, how about something you're working on that's exciting and just driving your passion? 

[00:10:15] Alberto Herrraez: Well, like I would say like two projects, like we can, I can share one and Alberto, you can share the other one. Like we are right now working with the Royal Family Foundation here in Spain.

[00:10:25] Alberto Herrraez: Developing curriculum for them and speaking at their events and stuff. So we got to meet the king and the queen and like princesses several times. So that was a pretty cool thing, you know, because like we've spoken in front of hundreds of educators before, but it's a different feeling, you know, like no offense, no offense to anyone, but I don't think I've got that nervous before, you know, speaking in my life, you know that's the first time I spoke in front of them.

[00:10:50] Alberto Herrraez: So like, I really, I don't know, it's a cool thing. It's a cool, cool project. 

[00:10:55] Mario Herraez: And for me we are building AI curriculum for students. I think that's, that's one I like a lot because sometimes we focus a lot on AI for teachers, but all the AI literacy for students, which is key for the future.

[00:11:11] Mario Herraez: Sometimes we forget about that. So I think that building that AI curriculum for students to to play with AI to know the basic knowledge of how it works and what's behind all the chatbots that they use, I think that's something that I'm very passionate about right now. 

[00:11:31] Jessica Pack: I think all of your projects just sound incredible, centering around really empowering students, bringing their voices to the forefront, and then just fostering that sense of belonging that we know is so important for kids to be able to connect in their school communities.

[00:11:47] Jessica Pack: And of course, globally as well. We understand that several of you have sessions that are going to be at the global impact conference. So we're hoping you could preview those sessions a little bit for, for listeners and help them understand what message you're going to be bringing. Maybe we can start with Kamal.

[00:12:08] Kamal Preet: Oh, wow. I'd love to give a sneak peek about our upcoming session at the Global Impact Conference. Well, it's called Innovate to Educate, Amplifying Learning with Student Portfolios. So in my classroom we've got, Moved beyond the age old methods of road memorization and prioritized projects that encourage active learning and real world application.

[00:12:29] Kamal Preet: So a great example of this is Green Crusaders. It's a climate change initiative that we've taken up. So I'll take the example of Rohan. He's a student who previously he struggled to connect with climate science concepts and textbooks. This project ignited a spark of transformation in him. We've incorporated thinking routines to analyze real world issues.

[00:12:56] Kamal Preet: We've explored the connection between the recent floods in Bangalore and declining water tables. In fact, the situation right now, as we speak, it's so bad that we're approaching ground zero. Bangalore is in a terrible state. Okay, water is being rationed and all this is attributed to climate change. We are living climate change right now.

[00:13:19] Kamal Preet: So this, this entire thing, it led to a remarkable moment. One of my students Anvi, okay, she surprised everybody by utilizing Microsoft Flip, okay, to create video reflections on how extreme weather events like our urban fronts, urban floods are linked to changing weather patterns. And this ignited a vibrant classroom discussion.

[00:13:41] Kamal Preet: In fact, it was no longer limited to just our classroom, but students, they get to talk to each other between classes and it spread across middle school. So technology further amplified the project. We leveraged Wakelet. It is a dynamic online curation tool to gather learning materials and we developed student portfolios.

[00:13:59] Kamal Preet: So, Anuvi's video video. mind maps on the greenhouse effect, the climate cycles and relevant online articles. And it, it became a central hub for understanding human impact on the planet or from the perspective of somebody, of children who are based out of Bangalore. Okay. So it was like, what does a student living in Bangalore How do they experience climate change?

[00:14:24] Kamal Preet: Okay. How is the world changing from their point of view? But the impact went beyond the platform. So we transformed our weekly connection into a school wide newsletter the green crusaders And really proud of that because we used to come up with that name and this newsletter, it featured a student reflections.

[00:14:45] Kamal Preet: Okay, so we had infographics explaining the carbon cycle and call to action in urging water conversation, conservation and carbon footprint reduction. We even shared it with the environmental club. Igniting a schoolwide movement focused on sustainability, focused all on the SDGs. So everything boiled down to the SDGs.

[00:15:08] Kamal Preet: So it transcended rote memorization. So from our, from what we traditionally do in the classroom. The project empowered students to become green crusaders, actively working to combat climate change. Rohan, remember I mentioned him earlier. He, he was once a passive observer. So he used to study what was there in the textbook.

[00:15:30] Kamal Preet: Now he has transformed into an active participant who uses technology to share his understanding. And I'm so, so excited to share this project. This is the magic that happens when you combine student portfolios with thinking routines. My session I'm hoping will equip everybody with the tools to create a dynamic learning environment where your students can, can not only deepen their understanding, but they also get to take action on what they've learned.

[00:15:58] Kamal Preet: So don't forget to tune into my session to empower your students to become agents of change. Okay. So 

[00:16:05] Jessica Pack: I love listening to you talk about what you're going to be sharing. There's so many wonderful layers there, and it's such a rich learning experience. I love that you're referencing to the sustainable development goals, because our previous conversation with the Global Impact Conference folks they also mentioned that that might be a really good place for educators to begin who are looking at The intersection of ed tech and global collaboration and how they can start bringing that into their classrooms.

[00:16:36] Jessica Pack: So thank you. Mario and Alberto, what will you be sharing at the conference? 

[00:16:41] Alberto Herrraez: So following what Alberto said before, we're going to share, it's called top five activities or five activities that you can do in your class using AI. And then like we go from, for students, yeah, for students. So we go from what Alberto mentioned before, the AI literacy, you know, like explaining to students, like how it works to how to use it in, you know, like in language arts, in math, in a way that it's not only help the students, but it is also going to help the teacher to, you know, like change their evaluation, the way of, you know, like how they see you know, the process and what they do in their class right now.

[00:17:20] Alberto Herrraez: I think that's very important. 

[00:17:21] Mario Herraez: Pretty much what we are trying to do with this session is showing teachers that they can empower students on how they need to use AI to try to close that skill gap that we are finding when they go to the classroom. To the companies because right now we are focusing a lot on AI for teachers, but AI for students is something that we are not doing much.

[00:17:45] Mario Herraez: And it is something that everyone, it doesn't matter if you're going to be a painter, you're going to be an accountant, you're going to be an engineer, it doesn't matter what you're going to be in the future, you're going to need AI. So we like to say that AI is like internet. It was used back then by just A few people that were focusing on that engineers or people that use internet.

[00:18:09] Mario Herraez: And then it is pretty much everywhere. So everyone uses internet every day. So something like that is going to happen with AI as well. So it doesn't matter your role, it doesn't matter your field, but you're going to be using AI in your daily life. So we need to expose the students on good practices and 

[00:18:28] Alberto Herrraez: how AI works.

[00:18:30] Alberto Herrraez: And that will impact on their teacher's work as well. Because, you know, like right now, you know, like, the way that we are evaluating, for example, like, needs to change because, you know, like like it's not useful anymore if we introduce AI in the classroom. So, like, there are many, many different things that when you're empowering students to use AI, it's not just that, but you're putting the educator in front of the mirror, you know, to see, like, if what they are doing in that moment is you know, it's correct or not.

[00:18:55] Alberto Herrraez: So, we are. You know, looking forward to having all of those conversations and, you know, like we invite you to join us because we truly think that

[00:19:12] Jessica Pack: we lost you for a second. We invite you to join us was the last phrase. Yeah, we 

[00:19:17] Alberto Herrraez: invite you to join us because we truly think that can be a very useful session for everyone. And we are looking forward to having those conversations. 

[00:19:25] Jessica Pack: That's fantastic. And it puts me in mind of what Richard Colato was sharing at last year's main stage to open ISTE in Philadelphia.

[00:19:34] Jessica Pack: And he was talking about how our students need to be prepared to work as part of human AI hybrid teams. So I think that's really timely, and I'm excited for people to be able to hear your message. Michael, is there anything that you are going to be sharing at the conference? 

[00:19:51] Michael Harvey: No, I will be working feverishly behind the scenes.

[00:19:54] Michael Harvey: That is my, my role. So I've got, today I'm going to go through the list of speakers and just allocate them time. That's my, my afternoon. 

[00:20:04] Jessica Pack: So you are the man making everything happen, the logistics guy, you've got the best toughest job. 

[00:20:11] Michael Harvey: I'm part of a team, yes, very much part of a team. Perfect. 

[00:20:15] Georgia Terlaje: He's, he's the Matt of the conference, stays behind the scenes, but gets everything done.

[00:20:21] Georgia Terlaje: And I'm sure putting the times together with everyone around the world, that should be a lot of fun, so. I'm sure you'll be using several apps and different things. I just wanted to piggyback talking about. I think what Mario was talking about with I'm fascinated with the idea of literacy for students around AI because Jessica and I have jumped in the pool of AI with students and.

[00:20:46] Georgia Terlaje: As Jessica and I like to do, we like to jump in first and then like backtrack and think about it. So I I'll be really interested in finding out how we can help educate students in how this is all working. So they know the backside because you're absolutely right. This is going to be. They're going to be interacting with it the rest of our lives, the rest of their lives.

[00:21:08] Georgia Terlaje: And so yeah, I can't wait to hear that. So when we did our previous podcast with Kayla and company, they talked about, there was a theme for the conference. And so we want to ask everyone their answer to this statement, and we can start with Kamal and. I make a positive difference in the world, dot, dot, dot.

[00:21:29] Georgia Terlaje: So how do you, how do you make a positive difference in the world? 

[00:21:36] Kamal Preet: Well, I try to be the change that I want to see in this world. So that means living a sustainable life for me. You know, the whole reduce, reuse, recycle thing. I also love buying local, saving water, energy. Ditching the car wherever, whenever it's possible, it all adds up.

[00:21:55] Kamal Preet: And remember Helen Keller's famous quote, alone we can do so little and together we can do so very much. That's why I mentored this incredible afterschool club of future scientists, girls who are passionate about sustainability, just like me. You don't just. talk about it, but we also get to take action.

[00:22:13] Kamal Preet: So we chat with explorers, scientists, and all sorts of inspiring people working on the UN SDGs. We share their stories, the challenges that they face to get everyone thinking about how they can make a difference. And a podcast is all about giving a platform to diverse voices and ideas. We want to create a wave of awareness and action, because let's be honest.

[00:22:37] Kamal Preet: Talking is great, but taking action is what truly makes a difference. And guess what? Seeing people take charge is like magic. Hats off to you, Michael for putting everything together. So it truly is magic and it motivates others to join the movement. So that's how I make a difference by living the change that I wish to see.

[00:22:59] Kamal Preet: Inspiring others to do the same and then working together to create a brighter, more sustainable future. One action, one person at a time. 

[00:23:10] Georgia Terlaje: Thank you, Kamal. That's very inspiring. Mario and Alberto, how do you make a difference in the world? 

[00:23:20] Alberto Herrraez: If we, I mean, like it's a, it's a very big statement. We try to do our best and to make a big difference.

[00:23:27] Alberto Herrraez: helping educators and by helping institutions like from the tiniest school that you can think of to the biggest school district, you know, like we, we always say that we are here to help that it is a teacher, we help teachers, if it is administrators, we help administrators, whoever, because we think that education is too important, you know, to let's see how I say this in a nice way to have it in this, the, the, the In the status that it is right now.

[00:23:56] Alberto Herrraez: Let's put it in that way, you know so I think that we just need to help as much as possible from all of us, you know, like from every institution from every company. And that's what we do. I think let's help as much as we can. Also, like, it's 

[00:24:08] Mario Herraez: just the idea of like, everyone should push for education to be recognized and for people to think education is important.

[00:24:19] Mario Herraez: And I think, you know, As that we are very passionate educators have also the mission to to help people to understand how important education is. And I think that's, that's part of what we do, right? Kind of like sharing how important education is and why we should invest money in education, why everyone should respect educators.

[00:24:39] Mario Herraez: And I think that's, that's very important. 

[00:24:43] Georgia Terlaje: Completely agree. And I also think it has to be what the shift needs to be in education. Cause like you said, it, where it is now. Is problematic. And how are we going to make that shift? And we do have to message that. So I think that's very important work. Michael, how would you, how would you End this statement.

[00:25:03] Georgia Terlaje: I make a positive difference in the world. Bye. 

[00:25:08] Michael Harvey: Well as my students know, I like talking in parables and proverbs, just like Yoda. So there's two points I'd make. So I like the, the story of the old man and the starfish. Okay. So basically There's an old man walking along the beach, and he's basically throwing in starfish one at a time.

[00:25:29] Michael Harvey: A young boy comes up to him and says, What are you doing throwing these starfish into the water? There's so many, you can't save all of them. And to which the old man replies, Well, when I throw one starfish in, it makes a difference to that one starfish. So even though there's a large problem, We do have to just stop and just make that difference that one student we, the thing in education is that we, we plan to see that we may not see grow in our lifetime.

[00:25:56] Michael Harvey: And that's part of being human. The second point is with the advent of artificial intelligence. Basically cognitive skills the idea of having being successful through having through knowledge. Basically I is better than that. So it's about well, what does it mean to be human? What values?

[00:26:13] Michael Harvey: What core values do we move around with? So I like the idea of well, the idea of, and it's the transition of our learners becoming digital nomads and the idea that the important things about us as humans are the connections that we make. And who we are as people, our core values, and that's actually what makes us human.

[00:26:32] Michael Harvey: And those are going to be emphasized more in the future. So it's also building those skills and those aptitudes for our learners as well. What it means to actually be a good person. So that's hopefully at least because I teach in a boys school. How I can make young boys become men and respectable men.

[00:26:51] Jessica Pack: I love all of your answers so much. This has been such a great conversation. Totally worth getting up early for. I've got to tell you, you guys are so inspiring and I really appreciate. The opportunity to talk with you this morning. So before we let you go, where can listeners connect with each of you online?

[00:27:10] Jessica Pack: Because I'm sure they're going to want to follow you and be able to hear more of your messages. So, Michael, maybe you could start? 

[00:27:19] Michael Harvey: Yep. I'm at Dr. underscore halves on, I don't know what Elon's calling it anymore, but I'm going to go with still Twitter cause I'm old school. Yeah, that's probably the best way to connect.

[00:27:32] Kamal Preet: And Kamal? Well on Twitter, I'm there at DPS Kamel and you can hear, listen to our s STG Warrior podcast at the same link, the s Stg Warrior Podcast 

[00:27:45] Jessica Pack: and Mario and Alberto, 

[00:27:48] Mario Herraez: On Twitter and Instagram is has, it means EDU, it twins with Z at the end, no s. 

[00:27:59] Jessica Pack: Perfect. Thank you so much. Well, that wraps up this episode of the Edge podcast.

[00:28:04] Jessica Pack: We hope you had a great time and learned a lot. My name is Jessica and you can find me at Packwoman208 on Xthreads and Instagram.

[00:28:16] Georgia Terlaje: ANd I'm Georgia Chilahi. You can find me at Twitter or X or as Michael says, whatever Elon's calling it now. And you can find Jessica and I both at storytelling saves the world. com 

[00:28:29] Jessica Pack: on behalf of everyone at ISTE's the edge podcast. Remember to keep exploring your passion, fostering your creativity and continue taking risks.

[00:28:39] Jessica Pack: All things that can bring you. To the edge.