The Edge

What to Expect at ISTE Live 24 with Georgia, Jessica, and Matt

ISTE Season 2 Episode 23

Join Georgia and Jessica along with producer Matthew Winters as they explore what they are excited about at ISTE Live 24. They share some tips and tricks for exploring ISTE Live 24 in Denver!

What to Expect at ISTE Live 24 with Georgia, Jessica, and Matt

[00:00:00] Georgia Terlaje: It's time for The Edge, a podcast brought to you by ITSD community leaders. Whether you're a seasoned educator, a visionary administrator, or a passionate education enthusiast, fasten your seatbelts, plug in those earbuds, because this podcast is tailor made for you. Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey as our ISTE community leaders take you behind the scenes and into the dynamic world of education.

[00:00:22] Georgia Terlaje: In the episodes ahead, we'll unveil stories from the front lines, showcasing the relentless dedication and innovation that fuels the transformative field of education. Buckle up and brace yourself for an adventure! Coming up today, we have some very special guests that are going to help prepare everyone to experience It's D Live 2024.

[00:00:44] Georgia Terlaje: I'm one of your community leader hosts, Georgia Trilahi. I'm a TK5 instructional coach and educator of 35 years. And I'm here with my favorite partner in crime, Ms. Jessica Pack. 

[00:00:55] Jessica Pack: Hi, Georgia. Yes, the feeling is always mutual. I'm so excited to be here. I'm Jessica Pack, a middle school teacher and an ISTE author.

[00:01:05] Jessica Pack: And today's episode is a little bit different. We are actually the guests, along with our producer, the incomparable, incredible, Matt Winters. Matt, would you introduce yourself for listeners? 

[00:01:20] Matthew Winters: Absolutely. I don't think I'll ever get as good an introduction as that. So thank you so much, Jessica. My name is Matt Winters.

[00:01:25] Matthew Winters: I am the producer here for ISTE's Community Leader Podcast, The Edge. I'm a educator from Utah, taught in higher ed and K 12, and currently work at the Utah State Board of Education. So I'm very excited to be here. Here talking about ISTE Live 2024. 

[00:01:43] Georgia Terlaje: So today's going to be fun. I love it when we mix things up and do things differently.

[00:01:47] Georgia Terlaje: So this is going to be cool. We're going to chat about what to expect at ISTE Live, which is super important if you've never been to one, you really need to know a few things to help make your time smooth, make sure you don't pass out from low blood sugar and all of those things. And so we're excited to get you going.

[00:02:06] Jessica Pack: And if this isn't your first rodeo at ISTE, you might be thinking, well, why do I need advice? I've been to conferences before. I'm not new. And we've got some pro tips dialed in for you as well. So we are excited to share all the things. So Matt, what are you most excited for, for ISTE? 

[00:02:28] Matthew Winters: There's a lot of things.

[00:02:29] Matthew Winters: So I was just looking up ISTE is a huge conference. And so a lot of the educators that have come out to ISTE before come through the first time and. I've experienced this bringing educators who have not come to a conference like STB4. We walk into the expo area and they almost fall backwards because it's just so big.

[00:02:48] Matthew Winters: There's so many people there. They bring in amazing speakers for the keynotes, for the main stages. And then just across the conference, there's, there's just so much going on. Any given hour that it can feel a little overwhelming. And so I'm excited today to talk a little bit about like, first off, one of my favorite features of any SD conference, which is they pull what are called featured voices from across education to kind of be spotlight speakers at the conference too.

[00:03:17] Matthew Winters: So if you don't know what to go see, you can go and check out one of these sessions and you're almost, I would say a hundred percent guaranteed to have a really good. Conference session, because I, you know, that there's always that conference roulette. Am I going to get a good session or is this going to be, you know, something that isn't useful to me and these ones always tend to be amazing.

[00:03:37] Matthew Winters: So first off Georgia, who is your favorite featured speaker? Somebody that you're like super excited to see this year. 

[00:03:45] Georgia Terlaje: Well, I'm, I feel like it's almost like nepotism because I'm going to say Greta Sandler, Greta. We've known Greta like the last couple of years and she is a Firecracker of getting things done.

[00:03:59] Georgia Terlaje: And I'm just always amazed at the things that she does for the it's the community for the Latina, Latina community and educators worldwide. So I'm very excited to see her, see her in person. She's going to be running at the global educator playground. Playgrounds are really cool. We'll talk about what they are in a minute because they're a little bit different.

[00:04:21] Georgia Terlaje: And she also has another session building inclusive professional learning with accessible digital escape rooms. That's been kind of a wheelhouse she's been in the last few years is making digital escape rooms. So I'm really excited to see and connect with Greta again. 

[00:04:37] Jessica Pack: I love that, especially because she's part of our community leader family and she's been on the podcast a couple different times.

[00:04:44] Jessica Pack: So you can't go wrong with Greta. I'm really excited for another community leader friend, Dr. Kayla Holland. We had a really fabulous episode with her about restorative justice in particular. In connection with the juvenile justice system. I learned so much just from that conversation and listening.

[00:05:05] Jessica Pack: And I'm really excited to continue my learning. She's got this great session called empowering student voices in the school to prison pipeline. It's actually a panel discussion that, oh my gosh, get this. It's. Featuring current and former incarcerated students, and it's basically students who are housed in facilities managed by the Colorado Department of Youth Services, and they're going to be talking about policy issues that impact their education within those juvenile justice facilities.

[00:05:36] Jessica Pack: So I'm just super excited for that that sessions on Monday from 4 to 5. And. The great part too, is that it is recorded. So if you can't make the session itself, like me, I'm kind of in that position. I think all of us are running around crazy at ISTE. That is going to be top of my list for viewing.

[00:05:55] Jessica Pack: So I'm really excited about that. 

[00:05:58] Matthew Winters: Absolutely. Those are two of my favorite speakers. And let's just be honest people in our ISTE community leaders. My favorite feature speaker voice alongside those two is somebody I met last year for the first time I, he and I happened to be on the same bus during an event and he was having writing a book that just came out this year and I was very excited to sit down and chat with him for a few minutes.

[00:06:19] Matthew Winters: So Michael Hernandez an educator from the LA area. He had a book come out this year called storytelling with purpose, digital projects to night students. He's an amazing educator who really gets. His students fired up about creating digital video and photography projects. That is just amazing. And he's conducting a session called storytelling done digitally to showcase student voice, views, and perspectives.

[00:06:42] Matthew Winters: Now this is on Sunday from 8 30 to 11 AM. Yeah. And it's a forum, which. I was looking at the other speakers and I, I, I recognized some names Jessica, Georgia, could you tell us a little bit about this session? Cause you'll be presenting at this as well. 

[00:06:57] Georgia Terlaje: Yes, we will. And we got to do it last year, which was really fun.

[00:07:00] Georgia Terlaje: So it's kind of cool. Cause it's almost like a station rotation model. So it's this giant last year we were in a room that was the size of an airplane hanger. It was enormous. And we have these like 20 minute rotations where we and we have something that people can walk away with. So it's, and there's a lot of interesting people presenting this year Not tooting our own horns.

[00:07:24] Georgia Terlaje: There are a lot of cool people besides us. So it'll be it'll be a fun session to be a part of. 

[00:07:30] Matthew Winters: So come and check that session out. Not just for Michael and his featured speaker voice, but also for all the other, other amazing speakers and to meet Georgia and Jessica and hear about their project with storytelling saves the world.

[00:07:43] Matthew Winters: So what other things are, so one of the things about ISTE, there's just every session all day, every day, there's just so many things you can do. What are some of the things that you two are excited to see and go to throughout the ISTE experience this year? 

[00:07:59] Jessica Pack: Well, first off, let me just say that our ISTE experience is scheduled down to the hour, like, we are running 8 to 8 practically every single day, and we're so looking forward to it, but I've been guarding this one session in our schedule, like, refusing to give that time away to anything else, because I really want to go hear these fabulous people.

[00:08:21] Jessica Pack: It's called AI and EdTech Power Hour, Turbocharge tools for every subject in grade and the panel is just a dream. It's Eric Kurtz and Vicki Davis and Aaron Donnelly, Alice Keeler and Rochelle Denae Poth. It's like, these are movers and shakers in the ed tech community. And I just cannot wait on Monday from 1 30 to 2 30 to go sit and just absorb.

[00:08:47] Jessica Pack: So that's kind of my big marquee moment that I'm excited for. That's

[00:08:54] Georgia Terlaje: that's awesome. I know so Jessica very lovingly creates a master schedule for her and I because we really it is really hard to like keep track of where we're supposed to be And I think I already may be books. I'm hoping it's recorded, but there's one it's called chopped AI stars and it's kind of round the show Chopped where you have like mystery ingredients and you have to create something and this is mystery ingredients around AI And I don't know.

[00:09:23] Georgia Terlaje: I just thought it was kind of interesting and I thought it'd be fun to check it out 

[00:09:28] Matthew Winters: Those chop sessions and where they're kind of like figuring out and having a competition within the session are always so much fun. Personally, I just wrote down anything and everything. So one of my strategies I learned about three, four years ago is I usually get sidetracked running around at ISTE.

[00:09:45] Matthew Winters: Like I'll see somebody, I'll be like, I want to have a conversation with you. Cause I never see you in real life. You're usually a box in my zoom room. And so. What I've learned to do is pull up the schedule when I go, okay, now I have some time what's there. And so one of the, one of the kind of tips and tricks that I would say for anybody who's attending you know, season, you know, attendee or new attendee is make that app with all the scheduling on there, your best friend, because you'll, and don't be afraid to go into a random session.

[00:10:14] Matthew Winters: Cause you might go, Oh, that sounds kind of interesting. And it might be the session that really changes. How you teach, how you work with, or you might meet somebody that is just incredible. So that's kind of my thing is like, there's so many great sessions. You're going to like be open to it. And that's what I try to be when I'm there at the conference.

[00:10:33] Georgia Terlaje: And besides these great like formal sessions, there are a bunch of informal opportunities. to meet up with people. And maybe you'll hear the theme here is actually connecting with people besides all the great things we learn and kind of building your international PLN for the coming year. So Jessica, tell us one informal session that you're looking forward to.

[00:10:57] Jessica Pack: Okay, so I'm not sure like how well known it is, but there's a learning stage kind of near the meet the author station. Look for basically the ISTE bookstore and close by there's this learning stage where a whole bunch of different ISTE authors give little snapshot 30 minute make and take type sessions that are, A little bit off the books, essentially, because it's a small group setting, so you can really kind of, you know, interact with the presenter, and then usually there's a book signing afterward for that particular presenter, and they're all ISTE authors, so it's, it feels a lot like walking into the bookstore and having a big personal conversation with each of the books on the shelf.

[00:11:39] Jessica Pack: So I would encourage people to keep an eye out for the list that is posted by the ISTE bookstore. 

[00:11:46] Georgia Terlaje: And you want to make a plug because you actually are going to have a time for your book. And I think you need to tell us about it. 

[00:11:52] Jessica Pack: On Sunday. Yes. At noon, I will be doing a learning stage presentation weaving cultural threads, which is about using storytelling for culturally inclusive classrooms.

[00:12:05] Jessica Pack: And then afterward, I will also have a book signing there. So yes, thank you, Georgia. So go find 

[00:12:11] Georgia Terlaje: Jessica. And I don't, I don't know if this is considered an afford informal learning opportunity, but I know playgrounds are kind of different than a formal session. And Matt, can you talk a little bit about, cause you've been involved with playgrounds for a long time, like how it's different and how people should kind of like approach that.

[00:12:31] Matthew Winters: So playgrounds are one of those spaces that if you are 100%, I don't know what I should be doing that hour. Go walk around the playgrounds. What they are is usually there are several stations somewhere between seven and 10 table, Kind of poster style presentations with experts all centered around a topic.

[00:12:49] Matthew Winters: So there's been great past ones that I've gone to things on creativity coaching ed tech strategies, all sorts of things. And all the presenters are talking about something they're doing in their community or something that they're an expert in. Then there's also two, usually one or two stages where there's somebody presenting in front of a, in kind of a small group format, they are a great way to kind of walk around.

[00:13:11] Matthew Winters: Meet a lot of people who have a common interest as that's right in line with what you're doing and to ask them questions. So one of my favorite people on social media that I've spent a lot of time talking to is Dr. Scott McLeod. I, I've known him for a few years now, but I met him the first time. At a playground and I walked up and he was talking about his strategies that he uses in his higher ed classrooms.

[00:13:36] Matthew Winters: And I got really excited and I sent out a tweet about it and I was like, I just met Scott McCloud. He told me all these different things, not knowing who he was. And now we actually have a really good kind of friendship going. And I really appreciate that kind of one on one. Learning from somebody to really dig deep with it.

[00:13:54] Matthew Winters: And so playgrounds are fantastic. So if you go, Ooh, that title for that whole playground sounds really interesting. Go, go for the full two hours, because usually they're cut halfway through. You have a group of presenters and an hour one, and then a group of presenters an hour or two, and then you can get a lot of really good information very, very quickly.

[00:14:12] Matthew Winters: If you're interested, I'll be running one with some of my friends called the creativity base camp on Monday from, I believe it's Thursday. Three to five or three, three to five 30. So come join me and I'll be doing some stuff about podcasting at that project. So, 

[00:14:26] Georgia Terlaje: and I like that you, you as well, you can kind of go in and out of a playground.

[00:14:32] Georgia Terlaje: Like you can be there for the whole time and get all the things, but you can also, even if you come a few minutes late, it's not a big deal because it's really organic. The way people move around the playground. 

[00:14:43] Matthew Winters: There's so much fun to go to and meet a ton of people, but also really flexible learning, and you're never going to miss something.

[00:14:50] Matthew Winters: Cause usually if you walk up and there's a few people, you know, hearing a presentation, that person will start that presentation again, five minutes later. So you can kind of go in and get a work on through one place I'm excited for, for informal learning this year is something that's a little bit newer in the SD kind of Pantheon is.

[00:15:07] Matthew Winters: The podcasting stage, which will be a part of for an hour during the conference, but it's a great place to go and see some of these larger educational podcasts. Like I believe Matt X Joseph's podcast, stronger together is going to be doing a couple hours there. Carl hooker and Adam files podcast is going to be there for a while.

[00:15:23] Matthew Winters: But if you've never seen podcasting done live, it's like watching a recording studio live and you can see these episodes with guests and listen to them doing the podcast right there in front of you. So if you have a few minutes and you want to see some great kind of world class podcasting, drop by the podcasting stage and see how it's done. So we'd mentioned this earlier. One of the biggest areas. is the expo hall, which is all of your companies, all of the, the ed tech companies that are there for ISTE, they come in there and they share what's new and hot with their tools. It is a gigantic space. And just walking through it can be a little overwhelming, let alone actually doing any interaction with it.

[00:16:07] Matthew Winters: So. To start off with, I will say one of my favorite things about the expo area is that you see a ton of people that you would never see other than maybe on social media or as a zoom box in that space. And so one of my favorite things to do is not be afraid to go up and say, I appreciate your work. I appreciate you.

[00:16:28] Matthew Winters: Because that means a lot. I, last year I had a great experience where Fellow teacher Alfonso Mendoza ran up to me and handed me a poster that somebody had made of me. And it's still one of my favorite experiences at ISTE. And so if you're going, wow, I see somebody that I really respect and look up to, or you're seeing them present at a booth.

[00:16:47] Matthew Winters: Walk up to and say hello, strike up a conversation because you never know what, where that will go. What about you, Jessica? What are your expo hall tips and tricks? 

[00:16:55] Jessica Pack: Well, I just think there's many unofficial sessions that are happening that aren't like appearing in the catalog or in the program that when you do a search, but there's so many really fabulous people.

[00:17:07] Jessica Pack: People who have connections with different tools or companies. And it's not even necessarily like a paid connection, just like cool teachers showing off what they've been able to do with kids in sort of a presentation space attached to some of the different booths. So I would say keep an eye on social media because you will see a ton of really awesome, different presenters sort of pop up, Hey, I'll be at booth.

[00:17:32] Jessica Pack: You know, Number, number, number at 2 PM today, come see me. And it's just a really great opportunity to kind of like walk around and see a whole lot and learn a whole lot in a really short amount of time. What about you? 

[00:17:46] Georgia Terlaje: So the first time I went to it, see, I went into the expo hall. I literally almost had a stroke because it's so overwhelming. There's so much, so kind of reflecting on that. I would like think of if there are certain vendors, I want to make sure I get to talk to maybe interact with a network.

[00:18:03] Georgia Terlaje: I would maybe have a little list of that. Like if I really want to check out. You know, Adobe and connect with some people there, especially for like, if I have things going on in my educational space that I could use some support with and kind of be be strategic because you can just walk around there.

[00:18:21] Georgia Terlaje: And then it'll be Thursday. So I think it's, I think it's good to be strategic. So you get the bang for your buck and don't lose your mind. And I'm still, I know I said it last year, I think there be should be some sort of deprivation tank station in the expo hall where you could go in, find your brain, take a deep breath, maybe get some sugar and come out and start again.

[00:18:45] Georgia Terlaje: But you know, that's just me. 

[00:18:47] Jessica Pack: It kind of reminds me of walking the casino floor in like a Vegas on the strip type of hotel. Like, yeah, you 100 percent need some sensory deprivation after that. So is there like a connection here for like maybe what's Attendees should pack because the, the expo hall is a really big place.

[00:19:06] Jessica Pack: Isn't it? 

[00:19:08] Matthew Winters: It absolutely is. So one of there's two items that you will make you super popular with anyone you're with, if you have them on you and your bag, one is some sort of granola or snack bars, the chocolateier, the better. I don't know if chocolate ears are better a word, but we're going to go with it.

[00:19:26] Matthew Winters: And. If you have a couple of snack bars, because you're going to get hungry, somebody is going to get hungry that you're hanging out with having a couple of those in your, your bag going to be super helpful. The other thing is Tylenol or some sort of pain reliever, because you're going to be walking a lot.

[00:19:40] Matthew Winters: One year I twisted my ankle really bad and having some Tylenol in my backpack was super helpful to just, you know, pop one in and I was okay for a little bit. And so those would be my two recommendations. What do you guys think? What are some of the things that you would put in your bag? 

[00:19:54] Georgia Terlaje: Well, I want to tag team off of what you're talking about with the Tylenol and the walking around.

[00:19:59] Georgia Terlaje: There is so much walking. So be very strategic with your footwear choice. Ask yourself, could I walk three to five miles in these shoes? And if the answer is no, those are not the shoes you should be wearing. You need to be able to walk I would say that's a reasonable, right? Three to five miles. So you need to be able to do that.

[00:20:23] Georgia Terlaje: And also comfortable clothes, clothes that are easy to move in and aren't going, you like travel clothes. Like I like yoga pants. You know, when I go on really long flights, something that's easy to move around and navigate because you will be moving so much. You don't want to be caught up in some weird closing situation.

[00:20:43] Georgia Terlaje: That's going to make your life not as happy. 

[00:20:46] Jessica Pack: Well, and because you're moving around so much, it's really hard to find time to just sit down and charge your device. So I like to bring a couple of different portable power banks that I can plug my phone into. Because like I mentioned, like with our schedule, the 8 to 8 business, like if I'm, you know, if we're out, Somewhere maybe off of the conference location, we want to be able to stay charged, stay connected, be able to call an Uber, all the things, use a map to navigate.

[00:21:15] Jessica Pack: The other thing that I like to bring is a water bottle because there were like water fill stations all over the, Different like conference centers the last couple of years and like bottled water, you know, the big five gallon one. So it's, it's easy to dehydrate unless you're really conscious about hydrating.

[00:21:34] Matthew Winters: Can I add one more in there as well? Just kind of a, like word of wisdom slash like thinking about what you bring with you, be careful about. How much you like take from presenters or in the expo area, like there's always a drive to like grab a tote bag or like whatever's going on, but those add up and they, if you don't have a backpack to put them in, even five pounds extra over the course of the whole day, walking around can really mess up your back.

[00:22:03] Matthew Winters: So. Think about, you know, before you, you know, grab something, even if it's a, you know, a booklet, maybe wait till the last day. I'm not saying don't go to Jessica's book signing and buy her book and get it signed, but you know, maybe, maybe wait to do that till the last day. That sort of thing. Jessica will sign up for you still then at that point.

[00:22:20] Matthew Winters: Right. 

[00:22:21] Jessica Pack: Solid advice. Absolutely. I'm one of those people. People who only wants to travel with a carry on. Like I refuse to check luggage after the great luggage fiasco of 2022, wherein America airlines completely lost my luggage for like a week and a half. But since I'm like the little carry on only girl, I love to schedule like a Walmart or target delivery at my hotel.

[00:22:46] Jessica Pack: The day that I arrived so that that evening I can stockpile protein shakes and bars and, you know, whatever else you need for creature comforts you can actually pick up there as opposed to traveling and bringing them with you. So that'll be way 

[00:23:02] Matthew Winters: cheaper than going to a convenience store or the closest like Walgreens or whatever is around.

[00:23:07] Matthew Winters: So that's awesome. 

[00:23:09] Georgia Terlaje: Solid pro tip there, Jessica. I, I wanted to mention Also that if people like stay with social media, go on the it's D connect app. I know some people, some of our community leaders are going to be doing some things. I think there's going to be like a bootcamp ish bingo board of things to do to get ready.

[00:23:30] Georgia Terlaje: They did a whole bootcamp last year and I think they're going to have some videos available this year around the 12th or the 14th of June. So keep checking the socials and the app. Because that, there's some really solid information that'll be available there. 

[00:23:46] Jessica Pack: Well, and the other thing popping up on socials is a whole bunch of meetups.

[00:23:50] Jessica Pack: So there's like a board game meetup on Sunday night run by none other than our friend and fabulous producer Matt. And then there's like an EduGuardians meetup for people who were involved in the week of AI and they're, you know, all the EduGuardians are all over. X right now anyway. So tons of amazing people.

[00:24:11] Jessica Pack: And then Curipod actually sent an email today that they're having some sort of Norwegian picnic on Monday night, late afternoon. Wow. That's fantastic. It's not often you get invited to a picnic. Norwegian picnic. 

[00:24:26] Matthew Winters: And on top of that, there's, there's always something going on in the, the evenings at ISTE.

[00:24:31] Matthew Winters: So if they're, if you're going, I'm not sure what to do, go check out the expo floor, look on social media, see what's happening. One thing I'm doing this year is I'll be participating in ed tech poetry slam the ed tech poetry slam with Carl hooker. And so if you're the one that's very famous, that a lot of people go to is ed tech karaoke.

[00:24:52] Matthew Winters: There's lots of really cool events that are going on during ISTE to kind of get you out there, be social, meet people. Definitely check out what's happening. And if you're going, I don't know a lot of people that are going to this event, you will meet people there that you can connect with and, and have some fun.

[00:25:08] Matthew Winters: So, question really quick. This is my fifth or sixth ISTE, and I picked up some good advice throughout the years. Jessica, Georgia, how many ISTEs is this for you? 

[00:25:22] Jessica Pack: For me, this is my fourth in person ISTE, and then We did the virtual one. I almost feel like the virtual one doesn't count anymore. 

[00:25:33] Georgia Terlaje: Yeah, 

[00:25:33] Jessica Pack: I 

[00:25:33] Georgia Terlaje: agree.

[00:25:34] Georgia Terlaje: And this is my third in person one. So I'm one behind Jessica 

[00:25:39] Matthew Winters: and, and all, all three of us, we've picked up some really good, like words of advice over the years. So Georgia, what's your words of advice that you've picked up to share with people who are new or maybe, you know, returning attendees. 

[00:25:54] Georgia Terlaje: I, so I have like three things.

[00:25:57] Georgia Terlaje: Missed the main stage on Sunday. Because it's always been fabulous. The opening on the main stage. So check out the schedule and block out your time because it's always inspiring and wonderful. The other thing is there are some sessions like creation labs and things that you need to sign up for ahead of time.

[00:26:16] Georgia Terlaje: So make sure you look at that when you're, when you're, Like scheduling, what things you want to go to. If it's something to sign up for ahead of time, do it now. Sometimes if you wait until you're at the conference, it's too late and don't want anyone to like miss out on something that they want. And the other thing is come with a way to share your contact information so you can network with people.

[00:26:37] Georgia Terlaje: I know. I liked, I used last year, I'm going to use this year. There's an app called POPL, P O P L, where it you put all your information in, you can do a little bitmoji or whatever, and it will scan your, everyone can scan the QR code off your phone and it will go right to their contacts. And that's kind of an easy way so you don't have to bring a whole bunch of business cards and other things.

[00:26:58] Georgia Terlaje: So that's my advice.

[00:27:00] Jessica Pack: And I think my advice is just to on, on I guess on one hand, be super brave and bold and just go up to whoever you want to strike up a conversation with. Like after a session, if you have questions, presenters hang out for a hot second. So feel free to walk right up and ask your follow up or exchange information so that you can have a more extended conversation later.

[00:27:23] Jessica Pack: And then I guess my other, on the other hand, like Tip is don't be afraid to say no. Like if you find that you're hitting a saturation point where you're like, you know what? I think I just need to go back to my hotel room. It's six. I think I'm done for the day. It's okay. It's okay to unplug and okay to like, go take a minute for yourself and sleep really well.

[00:27:47] Jessica Pack: Don't sleep deprived because there's so much to see and do the very next day. 

[00:27:52] Matthew Winters: On that note, there was a, there's a point in New Orleans two years ago where I went back to my hotel room in the middle of the day and had a very nice lunch of fried chicken all by myself. And sometimes that's just the thing that you need when you're, you've been busy all week and you need a break.

[00:28:07] Matthew Winters: Mine's very much in key with you, Jessica. I, I, this was advice that I was given by my buddy, Dan Ryder out of Maine. Every year I tell people this and it's, it's the thing I go back to is. Choose people over sessions. If you are having a good conversation, there's a choice, whether to continue that conversation or run off to a session, stay with the conversation, because especially with somebody that's not in your district or in your state, you don't know when you're going to have that opportunity again.

[00:28:35] Matthew Winters: So make sure that you spend some time. Having those conversations, meeting people. The other side of that coin too, is if you admire the work of a presenter, go tell them that you, you admire that work and we appreciate that work. Sometimes you don't know if they've actually gotten that back from the community in which they live or where they're at.

[00:28:54] Matthew Winters: And so that could be a really interesting thing, but also. Open up some doors as well. Some of my favorite people in the ed tech community are people that I went up to. I said, I really appreciate what you said in this blog post on social media, what you said in this presentation, and it struck up a conversation and got us going where we were mutually benefited from us having that conversation.

[00:29:15] Matthew Winters: So don't be afraid. We're all human beings. If you see. George and Jessica knows already. I'm gigantic. I'm six foot eight. I'm easy to spot. So if you see a giant bearded guy walking around, it's probably me. Feel free to walk up and say hi. And George and Jessica, it's the same way. We're, we're always happy to meet people.

[00:29:32] Matthew Winters: And, and the same goes out to anybody in our community. There's nobody that I've ever felt awkward around.

[00:29:39] Matthew Winters: Speaking of which, where can people, where can, where can people find us at the conference? 

[00:29:46] Jessica Pack: Well, you could come to our creation lab. The three of us are presenting a creation lab called sound pedagogy, crafting and curating live podcasts for professional learning. So you could absolutely come and hang out with us for an hour and learn.

[00:30:03] Jessica Pack: More about how to create a quality podcast and how to curate those podcasts for your staff or your local community. So you can continue the learning after the ISTE conference.

[00:30:16] Matthew Winters: Or you can come join us for some live podcasting stage, we'll be there on Tuesday from three 30 to four 30. So drop on by and we, maybe you can be on one of these episodes, which would be kind of cool.

[00:30:28] Georgia Terlaje: That'd be very cool. You could also come by the forum storytelling done digitally on Sunday and connect quickly and at least on the first day. And then we can see what unfolds during the week. 

[00:30:40] Jessica Pack: And we'll be doing some podcasting at the creativity base camp playground on Monday from four to five.

[00:30:46] Jessica Pack: So lots of different chances to hang out with the edge podcast team.

[00:30:51] Matthew Winters: And if you need to find us and you can't find us at the conference, if you're not able to make any of those sessions, you can yeah. Find us on social media across the way. I'm Matt Winters at Teacher Winters or at teacherwinters. net. So feel free to reach out. All my sessions will be up on my website very soon as well for ISTE Live 2024.

[00:31:08] Matthew Winters: Jessica, where can they find you? 

[00:31:10] Jessica Pack: You can find me at Packwoman208 on Xthreads and Instagram and all of our sessions will be tweeted out. Over the next couple of weeks, actually. So we're excited to connect. 

[00:31:22] Georgia Terlaje: And you can find me on X at Georgia Trilahi, and you can find Jessica and I also on storytelling saves the world.

[00:31:28] Georgia Terlaje: com. 

[00:31:30] Jessica Pack: Well, this was a super fun episode guys. As we're wrapping up, we just want to say on behalf of everyone at ISTE's The Edge podcast. Remember to keep exploring your passion, fostering your creativity and continue taking risks. All things that can bring you to the edge.